Plastic Surgery Recovery Questions
I Can Answer for You
You may be wondering just what kind of help you can get when you make a video consultation appointment.
Here are several examples of common questions I can answer.

When Can I Stop Wearing My Faja 24 x 7?
Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3…lipo foam, ab boards, back boards, triangles, and so on. It can get really confusing. Let me help you better understand what’s best for you at your stage of recovery.

Do I have Fibrosis?
Did you know that fibrosis is very common, and that if dealt with early and gently, it can go away without pain? There are things you can do at home to help in between sessions.

Finding a Legit Therapist
There are a ton of people in the industry who are not licensed, but who have attended a weekend class claiming they are post op certified. CERTIFIED DOES NOT EQUAL LICENSED! Need help finding a legit therapist near you?

How Am I supposed to sleep Post Op?
One of the most challenging problems post op is sleeping comfortably. Good sleep is necesary for a quick recovery. Most people can’t sleep well post op. I can help.

What Supplements Should I Take After Plastic Surgery?
Some Supplements Can Actually Make Swelling or Fibrosis WORSE?
Find out what supplements are legit and backed by research, and which ones could actually cause more problems.

Thinking about surgery and want to know what to do and what to avoid?
I know then ins and outs of the industry and can point you in the right direction. How to find a good therapist, what things you need to do to prepare, finding a good surgeon, and so on.

Questions about Cavitation and Radio Frequency?
One of the most challenging problems post op is sleeping comfortably. I can help.

Fat Transfers – When is it ok to sit on your butt?
Can you sit immediately? What about after 3 weeks? 4 weeks? 6 weeks? 8 weeks? 12 weeks? What is the right answer, and why? I can help you figure this out.

Do You Need a Revision?
Most people wonder if they will need a revision. I can tell you what the best way to determine if you need a revision is and how to approach your surgeon at the right time to ask for one.

Questions about Drains?
Drains are used in many surgeries. They can hurt, they can make it difficult to sleep, and yours may be clogged. Find out what you need to know about maintaining them.
When Does The Swelling Stop After Plastic Surgery?
Can you sit immediately? What about after 3 weeks? 4 weeks? 6 weeks? 8 weeks? 12 weeks? What is the right answer, and why? I can help you figure this out.
What Should I Eat After Plastic Surgery?
Are you wondering if consuming protein shake after protein shake after protein shake is really good for you post op? Can what you eat affect your swelling? (The answer is yes.) Find out the tips and tricks for how to make your recovery easier.
What is Normal After Plastic Surgery?
After surgery you experience a myriad of aches and pains. How do you know what is normal? Doctors seem to dismiss patients when they ask questions about whether or not something is normal. I can tell you the why behind what is normal and what is not.
How Do I Get Rid of Constipation Post Op?
Constipation after plastic surgery is a fairly common experience. Not being able to have a bowel movement for a couple of days is common, but after that it becomes a problem. Find out why and what you can do about it.
Do You Need Someone To Walk You THrough Self-Care?
If you can’t make it to a therapist, and you have a caregiver who needs instruction, I can help guide them on how to work on you safely. Don’t waste time trying internet techniques that don’t help – or could cause things to get worse.
Are you confused about your recovery?
If you are like most people after cosmetic surgery, you probably look a lot like the lady in this picture. It is hard to sort through what is real and what is not on the Internet when trying to find advice for plastic surgery recovery.
How Can I Avoid common post op mistakes
The Internet is full of terrible advice that can cause you more harm than good. Want to know if what you read is legit?
Why Am I Feeling Shocks and Stabbing after Lipo?
Part of the aches and pains after lipo include sharp, stabbing, shocking feelings running under your skin. I can help you understand why this happens and what you can do.
How Long Does Plastic Surgery Recovery Really Take?
Many plastic surgeons tell you that recovery only takes a few weeks. That is simply not true. Recovery takes a lot longer than that, but depends on the surgery that you had.
What Does “Board Certified” Really Mean?
Many people who do plastic surgery claim to be board certified. Do you know how to tell if they really are or aren’t? Do you know which boards are legit? Many are not.
How a Video consultation can help
Calls to your surgeon aren’t answered thoroughly. Maybe your doctor is out of state or country. Where do you turn for answers when the internet is full of lies and misleading info?
Let the plastic surgery recovery expert help ease your worries.